Saturday, September 3, 2016

No matter the country you choose. after many years you notice you did not look well the planet to choose the suitable part of it. Migrating is not just tossing a coin to choose  a destination !

Some quote says: "Si jeunesse savait, et si vieillesse pouvait".
walternewton  gaming loop world illustrationthis means ,sorry if you already guessed it, "youth did not know, old age cannot act now" transla- ted as I understand it, applied to my case.
Whatever are the migrators, one must have a minimum of criterias because the migrating goal is trying is among all to improve these conditions cause of displacement .
A hand worker is maybe just looking for work because unemployed in his country.
a writer is looking I suppose for freedom to write  or to communicate.
A technician and a professional  or specialist are looking for better wages or better working conditions to use all their abilities I imagine and it was true for me !
and many other similar happy and unhappy,temporary or definite reasons.

I hope you agree that the refugees and the mandatory displaced don t enter in these categories although I commiserate with them for their distress.
To be continued